Friday, July 22, 2011

Staying Cool-Recipe Ideas for this Summer Heat

Whew!!!! Its not been a fun week in the fields, the heat has been pretty brutal. I guess the reward is getting to turn the summer produce into something delicious that can also cool you off. Smoothies seem particularly popular as of late. Fresh Basil posted this great link to smoothies from the Mother Nature Network. Last night I decided to put together my own version of a vegetable smoothie. I combined some spices, salt, cucumbers and tomatoes in the blender--hit the puree button--then added a medley of chopped and sweated vegetables that included about 4 baby squash, an onion and a couple of tomatillos--I then gave the veggies a quick chop in blender, to produce a colorful and delicious gazpacho type drink/soup. Of course I was too tired and hungry to think out recording quantities to provide a step by step recipe guide for you--but I did find this link to a cold summer vegetable soup.

Today I moved on to a sweet smoothie made with the delicious Highland Farm sheep yogurt available at the farm, a handful of frozen blueberries, a banana, some chopped carrots, mint and ginger. It was refreshing and full of antioxidants--perfect for today's heat. Along with smoothies and lassis, another recipe trend for the heat of summer is unconventional ice pops--the latest issue of Fine Cooking Magazine has this link on ice pop recipes. And here is another great link for 50 delicious and creative ice pop ideas. Pending some disaster related to plant disease or insects--your share over the next couple of weeks should include more cucumbers and eventually melons, which are a little more conducive to the above links. In the meantime here is a link to veggie ice pops; stay cool and enjoy your share.

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