Friday, January 29, 2010

An Exciting Week for Mainstream Media

This has been one of those week's full of pinch yourself moments. I try to stay on top of major events--but since the beginning of the year I have been consumed in accounting work, farm meetings, and the process of ordering seeds--luckily others have clued to me into to some rather exciting developments regarding healthy eating. First off I totally missed Michael Pollan on the Oprah show--that is HUGE! In fact until midnight tonight Oprah has a special deal with amazon in which you can order Food Inc for just $9.99. (Thank you Yvonne)

Then during the State of the Union Address the President announces that Michelle Obama will be leading a campaign against obesity. Michelle has already done lots to promote the importance of eating local fruits and vegetables. Finally one of my favorite celebrity chefs--Jamie Oliver is launching a new Food Revolution Campaign, promoting health eating in America's school. This campaign includes a new show that will air on ABC in March. Click here to watch the trailer . A big thank you to Mary Bigham for cluing me into this new television show.

In honor of all this healthy eating and Jamie Oliver's campaign--I want to remind you that you Inverbrook Farm can be your source of healthy, humanely raised local meats (and vegetables when in season) and provide you with some appropriate recipes. This rather frigged weather is perfect for cooking up a pastured chicken or perhaps making some chilly with Dr. Elkins delicious bully beef. Both items along with eggs and angus burger are available in the distribution shed. You are welcome to contact me if you need directions or further instructions for purchasing these products.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this info. I'm a big fan of Jamie Oliver. Can't wait to watch