The Southeastern PA Agriculture Partnership is an initiative of the Chester County Workforce Investment Board and the Chester County Economic Development Council with grant funds received from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. The mission of the Southeastern PA Agriculture Industry Partnership is to build the capacity of farmers and their supply chain partners to meet the growing demand for local, fresh foods in the region through investment in business training and workforce development. The Industry Partnership Director is the wonderful Suzanne Milshaw, we all owe her a huge amount of thanks for the creative and useful programs she has helped develop. Two upcoming events include:
To Market,To Market: Pricing, Processing and Packaging Your Meats for Profit--March 7th, 2011
It's Time to Come to Your Senses:
A Professional Approach to Tasting, Classifying and Handling Your Cheeses--March 16th, 2011
The Partnership is also involved in an upcoming Buyer Grower event that I highlight at the end of this posting. Click here for a facebook album from last year's Buyer Grower event.
PASA is also co-hosting a series of talks at the Academy of Natural Sciences. Click here to read all about this diverse lecture series dealing with some regionally hot button issues.
Today is the last day to register for an upcoming PASA Master Class double header about backyard chickens and bees (see info below). Finally I have included more information on the Buy Grower event, perhaps you can encourage your favorite chef to attend this great meet-up gathering.
Come and let us tell you about the "Birds and the Bees"
(Chickens and Honey Bees of course!)
A PASA Southeast Master Class Double Header!

"Chickens? In My Backyard?" and "Bee Keeping for Beginners"
Saturday, February 26th 2011
PASA Southeast Office
(located in the Chester County Economic Development Council Building)
737 Constitution Drive
Exton, Pa 19341
Morning Session: 10:00am - 11:30am
Afternoon Session: 12:45pm - 2:15pm
We are offering a morning and afternoon session for each of the classes. The same information will be covered in each section. Join us for one or both classes!
Chickens? In My Backyard?
Have you wanted to raise chickens but were not sure how or where to start?
Come learn the wonderful benefits of keeping a small-scale backyard chicken coop for your all-natural fresh egg supply throughout the year! Join us for an informative talk about how fun and simple it is for the whole family to raise chickens in your own backyard. Workshop will include slide show, coop designs, breed selection and chicken care basics.
Presented by: Amy Johnson (Greener Partners) and Chris McNichol
Morning Session: 10:00am - 11:30am
Afternoon Session: 12:45pm - 2:15pm
Bee Keeping for Beginner: What's the buzzing about?
Join Trey Flemming from Two Gander Farm and Apiary and learn what it takes to start and keep you very own backyard hive. This beginning bee keeping workshop will include:
•Basic equipment and safety gear •Honeybee biology
•Anatomy of a hive •Handling techniques
•A beekeepers year - A monthly breakdown of hive activities
•Swarm prevention •Pests and diseases
•IPM techniques •Surplus honey production options
•Honey Processing •Hive maintenance
•Preparing the hive for winter
Morning Session: 10:00am - 11:30am
Afternoon Session: 12:45pm - 2:15pm
Pre Registration is required to reserve your space!
Deadline to Pre Register is Wednesday February 23rd!
PASA Member: $15 per session
Non Members: $20 per session
Not a PASA member?
Join Today and save on registration for this and all future classes!
Walk-in Registration - (we can not guarantee space availability on the day of the workshop)
PASA Members: $20 per session
Non Members: $25 per session
**Please plan to bring lunch and enjoy the company of other workshop participants in our cafe area.
Join us for this FREE Event!
Buyers and Growers Making Local Connections
Monday, March 14, 2011
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Hosted By:
PASA's Southeast Regional Office
Chef Sean Weinberg at Alba
7 West King Street Malvern, Pa 19355
YOU MUST PRE REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT-Please read below for eligibility requirements
For Our Local Growers!
We ask that only growers with the desire and capability to sell their locally grown items on a commercial scale attend this event. Please note that all local growers will be screened to determine eligibility prior to the event. Don''t meet the requirements, but interested in selling locally? We encourage you to locate farmers markets in your area by visiting buylocalpa.org
For Our Local Buyers!
Savvy restaurants are choosing to buy locally for a number of reasons - local foods offer premium taste, maximum freshness and keep dollars in our local economy. Not to mention, many customers think buying local foods is important and beneficial to the well being of their families and communities. We ask that only buyers committed to buying locally produced foods register for this event
For more information about this and other PASA Southeast Regional events contact:
Denise Sheehan
PASA SE Member Services
(610) 458-5700 ext 317
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