As the Easter holiday approaches I have been thinking a lot about my Grandmother who passed away this winter. Nana used to be in charge of washing and boxing eggs. She would constantly complain that we were charging too much (even though we would explain that the cost of organic feed made it impossible to sell them for any less), yet she was our best sales woman--eagerly delivering eggs to her Bridge group and hair dresser. I think she would be extemely happy with the fact that we are now lowering the price of eggs to $3.50 a dozen (we are using a new feed source, it is not organic, but it is local and free of GMO seed) and for the next couple of days we will have some older eggs on sale for $3.00 a dozen. Older eggs are much easier to peel, perfect for making deviled eggs. If you enjoy dying eggs here are two links to natural egg dying one from Mother Nature Network and one from Mother Earth News (thank you to Dawn Warden and Margaret Gilmour for some of these links). Eggs are available in the distribution shed, if you need directions contact claire@inverbrook.com .
Nana also liked Spring, being able to enjoy the out of doors again--she hated being cooped up all winter. I miss seeing her pick daffodils, checking on the new born foals, and sharing the enthusiasm for a growing season to come. I miss her asking me daily if I had planted spinach or lettuce and checking on the rhubarb and asparagus to see if it had emerged through the cold soil yet. I found this quote and it made me think of our shared excitement for the Spring season. Happy April everyone!
"When the April wind wakes the call for the soil, I hold the plough as my only hold upon the earth, and, as I follow through the fresh and fragrant furrow, I am planted with every foot-step, growing, budding, blooming into a spirit of spring."
Dallas Lore Sharp, 1870-1929
1 comment:
Just like Springs Arrival Nana's are so very special and leave a lot of love for us to rely on when we miss them most!
Happy Spring! your friends @ bedbugzz...
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