I love reading about food history, hence the plug for
Full Moon Feast in the previous post. This time of year is particularly rich with all the traditions surrounding the myriad of December/Winter Solstice holidays.

I just discovered an interesting blog by Aussie Janet Clarkson
The Old Foodie. Janet has written a book on the history of pies and also contributed a piece to a book about eating humans, yes that's right, there is a book on cannibal cooking traditions. A little less grusome, and much more appropriate for the upcoming holiday season is her collection of
vintage Christmas recipes. For a food history/culture blog not so tied to the British Commonwealth check out
Gherkins and Tomatoes by Virginian Cynthia Bertelsen.
Click here to read her take on turkey soup--just in case you still have a little turkey left over. Enjoy the historical inspiration.
I'm going to love delving into your food-history links...and your entire blog. Lovely!
Thanks June, I appreciate the feedback.
Thank you for mentioning me and my blog, "gherkins & Tomatoes."
I like your blog, too!
Cynthia Bertelsen
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