Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fighting the Late Winter Blues-Freesia and Citrus

I have to admit this time of year can be a little frustrating--stuck between winter and the knowledge that Spring is just around the corner, I get antsy.  I long for warm weather and spring, however I know it will bring with it a lot of hard work and an end to my winter socializing.  Its hard to find balance and contentment during this transition time.  The days are getting longer, bulbs are popping through the semi-frozen ground; yet it is still a little too early to be doing much outdoor garden preparation.  The drab landscape can seem a little depressing and the weather can be positively schizophrenic.  
There is however a very bright, colorful and wonderful smelling up side to mid-February--the magnificent Freesias from Barnard's Orchards (click here to view facebook album of freesia).    In fact this is my favorite time to visit the area orchard stores like Glenn Willow and Barnard's Orchard.  Their shelves are stocked with autumn harvested apples, flowers from local greenhouse like Rosazza's and delicious citrus.  Obviously the citrus is not grown locally, however our local orchard managers seem particular skilled at picking out the most delicious varieties.  Winter is the season for citrus and below are a number of links to citrus recipes and information. Like the bright pastels of freesia, the citrus can provide the same sort of antedote to the winter dolmdrums--some much needed excitement, the culinary balance to the visual beauty of the winter greenhouse flowers.  Sweet, juicy and full of vitamin C; what could be a better late winter pick me up. Enjoy our local orchards, winter flowers and the magic of winter citrus.


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