Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Lady promotes local food...

We were thrilled to read this quote from Michelle Obama. It was published in a New York Times article about the First Lady visiting the White House kitchen with some culinary students:

The first lady took the opportunity to put in a pitch for local and sustainable food and for healthy eating, a recurring theme of hers during the campaign and since she arrived in Washington.

When food is grown locally, she said, “oftentimes it tastes really good, and when you’re dealing with kids, you want to get them to try that carrot.”

“If it tastes like a real carrot, and it’s really sweet, they’re going to think that it’s a piece of candy,” she continued. “So my kids are more inclined to try different vegetables if they are fresh and local and delicious.”

If you want to read the entire article we have posted it here.

1 comment:

Victoria Webb said...

There's also a great blog called obamafoodorama, which has a link to this C-Span Michelle Obama video with the WH kitchen. Fun to watch:

The blog: http://obamafoodorama.blogspot.com