Last Friday's serious frost/freeze put a very abrupt end to any sensitive vegetables, flowers and herbs; thus making that final transition to the last of the CSA season vegetables. Your share will now be made up of only the hardier greens and roots or items that store well. With just two more weeks of the season left, the shorter days and cold frosty mornings will give me plenty of time in the office in front of my computer screen--and I will once again be inundating you with musings and rambles. Until then I have a few recipe ideas for this week's share.
This week's share includes:
The last of the Peppers
The last of the Green Tomatoes
Sweet Potatoes
The last of the Winter Squash
Women's Health 10 Healthy Sweet Potato recipes
Food and Wine Arugula and Asian Pear recipe
Roasted Radish Recipe
Martha Stewart's Radish Recipe Links
The Kitchn's piece on Sunchokes, includes some recipe links