Smashed Potatoes with Kale and Sunflower Pesto
We have been reveling in market season! We visit the Kennett Square Farmer's Market every Friday without fail. I love the community camaraderie that is so evident in town that day. Thank you, Abby Morgan, for organizing such a fabulous weekly affair! Of course, the food is amazing too. ;-) Below is a recipe for Kale and Sunflower Pesto that I adapted from a recipe I picked up at the market (KSQ Farmer's Market Recipes by Jess, The original recipe calls for walnuts instead of sunflower seeds, which I didn't have on hand (not to mention the fact that the folks around here aren't particularly fond of walnuts). I made one or two other minor changes from there, and then used the pesto in smashed potatoes. The results were quite well received, coupled with grilled chicken and honey roasted, rosemary and balsamic tomatoes (it's a bit early for tomatoes, I know, but these beauties keep calling out to me at the market every Friday, begging me to take them home and roast them up).
2-3 bunches of Inverbrook Kale, tough stems removed, blanched in boiling water for for 3-5 minutes until bright green and tender (I think chard or perpetual spinach would work here too, although I haven't tried either of them)
2 handfuls (1/4-1/3 C) sunflower seeds, toasted in a skillet over medium heat
Zest of 1small lemon (add a little of the juice too if you like)
1-2 garlic scapes, chopped (1 or 2 garlic cloves would also work, adjust to taste)
1/4-1/2 C fresh grated parmesan cheese
1/4-1/3 C olive oil
Sea salt to taste
Fresh ground pepper to taste
Boiled potatoes, drained and smashed, still pippin' hot (I used a local yellow variety (wish I could remember the name) that I picked up at the market)
Sea Salt
Fresh ground pepper
Combine all ingredients, except for the potatoes, in a food processor and give it a good whirl until you have a pesto-y consistency.
Toss in as much of the pesto as you like (I used almost all of it, but also had quite a load of potatoes), along with more sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste. Stir it up and serve.
Here is a photo Azia snapped of her plate before she dug in. The potatoes turned out a brilliant green. Gorgeous.